It's a mammal but it can fly. It's got fur.
It's a bat
cat, dog, elephant, bat.....
They are mammals
Panda nie jest zagrożona wyginieciem.
Panadas isn't an endangered animal.
Birds use them to fly.
You shold buy it for your dog to sleep in it at home.
A dog bed.
It's a big bird. It uses its wings to swim, not to fly.
It is a penguin.
Salmon, cod, shark....
They are fish.
Wieloryb jest największym ssakiem.
A whale is the biggest mammal.
A beaver has got thick, brown.....
You should buy it if you want to keep a parrot as a pet.
A cage.
It's a mammal, it has got big teeth and thick fur. It has got a big, flat tail.It usues its tail to stand up. It can cut down a tree.
It is a beaver.
frog, toad, salamander
They are amphibians
Rekiny nie są tak groźne jak niedżwiedzie.
Sharks aren't as dangerous as bears.
They are sharp. Animals use them to catch and hold food.
You should buy it If you want to have fish.
A tank.
It lives in water, but it's not a fish. It has got three hearts. It is poisonous.
It's an octopus.
Snake, lizard, turtle....
They are reptiles.
Bobry nie są tak inteligentne jak ośmiornice.
Beavers aren't as intelligent as octopi.
A stork has got a long, red.....
If you want your dog to sleep outside you should buy a....
It's a big animal. It lives in a desert. It has got one or two humps. It can survive a long time without drinking any water.
It's a camel.
beaver, frog, crocodile, snake, zebra, salmon.....
They are vertebrates.
Nietoperze są tak samo interesujące jak sowy.
Bats are as interesting as owls.
Birds have them to keep warm.
When you take your dog for a walk you should keep it on a ....
dog lead.