What is a characteristic feature of most reptiles?
scaly skin or lay eggs
What is the life cycle stage of amphibians that involves metamorphosis?
The tadpole stage
What unique feature do fish use to breathe underwater?
What are mammals primary characteristics?
Having fur or hair and producing milk for their young.
What is the main characteristic that all birds share?
Name a reptile that can live both in water and on land.
Name one amphibian that can survive both in water and on land.
True or False: Tuna can live in both saltwater and freshwater
Name a mammal that lays eggs.
Name a bird known for its ability to mimic sounds.
Which reptile is known for its ability to change color?
True or False:Amphibians breathe through their skin
What is the term for fish that migrate from freshwater to saltwater to breed?
a) Anadromous
b) Multiwaters
c) Double Location Breeders
a) Anadromous
What is the primary way mammals regulate their body temperature?
They are warm blooded.
What do we call the seasonal traveling of birds?
What type of environment do most reptiles prefer?
warm, dry environments
What is the main reason amphibians are sensitive to environmental changes?
They have skin that could absorb toxins
Name the largest species of fish in the ocean.
Whale Shark
Which mammal is known for its ability to fly?
True or False: THe bald eagle holds the record for the fastest speed in flight?
What is the largest living species of lizard?
Komodo Dragon
Which amphibian is known for its bright colors as a warning to predators?
Poison Dart Frog
What is the primary diet of most herbivorous fish?
Algae and Plant Material
Name the largest land mammal.
The African Elephant
Name the largest bird that cannot fly.
The ostrich