When was the 28 hour law enforced?
Prohibits illegal trade of any fish/ wild animal that was taken in violation of any law
Lacey Act
Who does the Bald Eagle Protection Act protect?
Bald Eagles
Who ensures the Public Health Service Policy?
FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
CDCP (Certified Direct Care Professional)
Describe the Fur Seal Act.
Prohibits taking Fur Seals/Sea Otters
When was the Fur Seal Act enforced?
secures lifetime care for retirement of chimps that were used for research
Chimpanzee Sanctuary Act
Who does the Endangered Species Act protect?
Bald Eagles, Grizzly Bears, Grey Whale, Whooping Crane
Who ensures the Pets Evacuation & Transportation Act?
FEMA ( Federal Emergency Management Agency)
Describe the Elephant Conservation Act.
Reaffirm endangered status of African/Asian Elephants
When was the Elephant Conservation act enforced?
Provides protect for wild horses and burros living on land
Wild Horse & Burro Act
Who does 28 Hour Law mainly protect?
Who ensures the Wild Bird Conservation Act?
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Describe the Great Apes Conservation Act.
Provide financial assistance to countries home to Great Apes
When was the Marine Mammal Protection Act enforced?
Prevents suffering by stunning animal into unconsciousness prior to slaughter
Humane Slaughter Act
Who does the Marine Mammal Protection Act protect?
Marine Animals (Whale, Dolphins, Seals)
Who ensures the Fish & Wildlife Coordination Act?
Bureau of Fisheries
Describe the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
Prohibits removal of Marine Animals from U.S. waters
When was the Companion Animal Protection Act enforced?
Regulates who may possess/sell certain animals and their living conditions
Animal Welfare Act
Who does the Great Apes Conservation Act protect?
Chimps, Gorilla, Orangutan, Gibbon
Who ensures the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act?
APHIS (Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service)
USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Describe the Endangered Species Act.
Offers protection for animals and their habitats to prevent extinction