Feline Frenzy
Bear Foot
Reptile Rumble
Left Field Fancies
(Random Animals)
Greek Greatness
(Double Points)

What is the only big cat that can't roar, and instead chirp to communicate?



These bears are known as the friendliest wild bears, and are named for the pattern on their stomach. Who are these bears with a "sunny personality"?

The Sun Bear


These weird reptiles have a very long set of jaws. In fact, when adults, their jaws are 3.5 times longer than the width of the base of the skull. Name these large lizards.

The Gharial


Known as the fastest fish to ever swim in the ocean, this creature has a few similarities with the Spinosaurus. This fish also has a sword like upper lip, though it isn't named for it. Name this fish that can swim 68 mph.

The Indo-Pacific Sailfish


Said to have the head and wings of an eagle, the body and legs of a lion, and a snake for a tail, these greek monsters were immensely powerful. Name this creature that is the mascot of a Hogwarts house.

The Griffin


This big cat is a critically endangered species of tiger that just so happens to be the name of a football team. Who are these big cats?

Bengal Tigers


These bears aren't actually bears. Their nickname, "Water Bears", is very misleading. Name these practically invincible creatures.



This creature is a species of reptile that is known for it's blue tongue. Who is this weird reptile?

The Blue Tongued Skink


These black, orange, and white birds are the ultimate snake killer, having long bony legs that kick with enough power to break the skull of a snake. These birds then swallow the snakes whole. Name these ostrich like birds that can actually fly.

Secretary Birds 


These draconic beings are known for having snakes for hair, with one of them being Medusa. Name these creatures who would "gorge on" human flesh.

The Gorgons


The largest of the big cats, these masters of camouflage come in two different colors, being Orange or White. What is this species of the Panthera Family?

The Siberian Tiger


These creatures are commonly mistaken for bears, when they are actually marsupials, like Kangaroos. Name these furry grey creatures that look like teddy bears.



(Double Points) These creatures are ancient creatures that had shorter arms than the T. Rex. Who are they?



The larval stage of the Isabella Tiger Moth, these creatures are covered in black and orange fuzz. These creatures also have the english meaning of the word Ursa in their name. Who are these "sheepish" caterpillars?

Woolly Bear Caterpillars


Known for being half human, this beast roamed a labyrinth in ancient Greece. This is because of it being savage and attacking anyone who crossed paths with it. Thus a Greek hero had to defeat it, which he did. Name this huge bully.

The Minotaur


These majestic felines are fierce predators, with jaws strong enough to break the shell of a turtle. They also are strong enough to climb a tree with their prey in their mouth. Name this big cat from the rainforest.



This bear big, friendly, and is sacred in a certain country. These bears are also the colors of Yin and Yang. Name these gentle giants.



These venomous desert lizards have a name close to the last word in "The Great Pyramids of ______". Who are these rapscallion reptiles?

Gila Monsters


(Double Points) This Egyptian god is known for his symbolic eye, and being the god of the sun. Who is this god with the head of a falcon?



These creatures from greek mythology are said to be a horse with a fish tail. Who are these creatures that share their name with a part of the brain?



(Double Points) This creature is a combination of a cat and a human woman, that usually give people riddles that they must solve to pass. Name these mythological Cats.



These Bears are said to be what the constellation, Ursa Major, is based on, with Ursa Minor being it's cub. Name these bears with clear fur.

Polar Bears


Known for being able to squirt blood from their eyes, these reptiles are satanic in name. Though they live in the desert, these reptiles are always well hydrated, thanks to the spines that line their body. Name this reptile.

The Thorny Devil


These have a call that you've probably heard if you've been near or in a lake. That's because these lake birds are native to Minnesota. Name this black and white water fowl species.

The Common Loon


Known for being a draconic being with snakes for legs, animal heads for a waist, and a draconic torso, this creature is the jailor of the cyclops' in Ancient Greece. Who is this creature that can be spelt from 5 of the letters in the word Campsite?

