Genetic material is also known as:
What is the most well known male animal that gives birth?
What organ produces sperm?
Nourishment, Protection
What are the two types of fertilization?
Internal Fertilization, External Fertilization
What is Sexual Reproduction?
The genetic material from two different cells produce an offspring.
If they do not reproduce sexually, they reproduce:
What is Fertilization?
The joining of an egg cell with a sperm cell.
What type of cells are sperm cells?
Males are often more ___ or ___ than females of the same species.
Larger or Colorful
Of the animals that utilize external fertilization, why do they all take place in water?
Sperm cells need an avenue to get to the egg cells.
What are stem cells used to make?
New blood + muscle cells.
What is a Pupa?
Inactive phase where larva transforms into adult.
What is Metamorphosis?
[ Name all ]
Snakes, different species of fish, and some insects.
Tadpoles are the ___ stage of a frog and can live only in water.
What two mammals don't have embryos that develop inside of them?
Platypi and some Anteaters.
What is the difference between the zygote and embryo?
After fertilization, the zygote begins to develop into an embryo. This occurs through:
What process occurs constantly through an animal's lifespan?
What is the Gestation Period of an Elephant in months?
The egg's covering protects the embryo, helps keep it ___, and discourages ___.
Moist, Predators
What is the third stage of a frog's Metamorphosis?
Tadpole with Legs
The female seahorse deposits eggs into the male ___ ___ in a rapid mating process.
Brood Pouch