Which FFA Officer is responsible for keeping accurate meeting minutes?
Name one breed of goat that has floppy ears
What is Boer?
What is Nubian?
What do you call cattle who are male and intact
What is a bull?
How many years does it take to obtain a Bachelor's Degree
What is four years?
Students are combining glue and contact lens solution to make this while they are supposed to be learning about cows
What is slime?
Joe is hoping to gain a position as an FFA officer. He is fantastic at math, very organized, and would like to pursue a career as an accountant. What officer position would you recommend for Joe
What is the treasurer?
What is the sporting group?
What do you call an adult female chicken
What is a hen?
Which career in Animal Science involves creating rations for domestic animals
What is an Animal Nutritionist?
In this movie, a lady with questionable morals and a coat with spots on it, attempts to commit multiple crimes
What is 101 Dalmatians?
What does the inclusion of the plow symbolize on the FFA emblem
What is labor?
Which breed of rabbit is the largest
What is the Flemish Giant?
What do you call a baby goat
What is a kid?
Which career in Animal Science is entry level and involves taking care of the daily needs of veterinary patients (Feeding, water)
What is a Kennel Attendant?
This pokemon is essentially a fire chicken
What is Torchic?
Name one of the official FFA colors
What is Corn Gold?
What is National Blue?
Which breed of cattle is the Chick-Fil-A mascot modeled after
What is the Holstein?
What do you call female cattle who have not yet had a calf
What is a heifer?
Who does a Cooperative Extension Agent work for
What is a University or college?
This rapper has a name that sounds like it belongs in the Avian terminology unit. He has since passed away. Don't do drugs, Sweet Children.
Who is Lil Peep?
How is corn a symbol of unity
What breed of cat is depicted as having orange fur and eating lasagna?
What is a Persian cat?
What do you call a mature female sheep
What is a ewe?
Which career in Animal Science involves designing habitats for zoo animals
What is a Life Support Engineer?
What is the name of the martial arts instructor in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
Who is Master Splinter?