parts on the outside of a body or structure
external structures
Food is swallowed and travels down this structure.
Why is the left lung smaller than the right lung?
Because the heart is located in front of the left lung.
Air enters our body through our nose or mouth and travels down this structure.
A body part that is made of smaller parts that work together to do a certain job.
an organ
special structures that send information about the environment from different parts of the body to the brain
After all nutrition and water has been removed from the food you eat, what is left?
How many chambers are in the human heart?
Once in our lungs, this gas is removed from the air we breathe in.
It gives structure, support, and protection to the softer parts of the body.
the skeletal system
How does fur or hair work to keep a mammal warm?
Heat produced by the animal’s body is trapped by the fur or hair, keeping the warmth close to the body.
This structure absorbs water and minerals from the food we eat.
large intestine
Blood moves through the body when what happens?
When the heart pumps, or squeezes, to move the blood.
This structure is a muscle that pulls down to allow us to breathe in air.
a group of organs that work together to do something for a body
an organ system
How does a dolphin move through the water?
By moving its tail fin up and down.
Does food travel through the pancreas, gall bladder and liver?
When blood carries oxygen through the body, what structures does it travel through?
The lungs are where oxygen is allowed to enter the ____________________.
The light is ON in a room with no windows.
We can see a chair because the light reflects off the object and travels into our eye.
If we turn OFF the light, we can no longer see the chair. Why?
If there is no light, it can't reflect off the chair, so we won't be able to see the object.
When scientists invent something that is based on something we learned from nature, what is it called?
What is the function of the pancreas, gall bladder and liver in the digestive system?
They produce chemicals that help the other organs digest the food that we eat.
When blood returns the waste product from other parts of the body, what structures does it travel through?
When blood returns to the lungs after traveling through the body, it deposits this waste product in the lungs for removal.
carbon dioxide