What did Pavlov do...
Send in the Reinforcement[s]!
Stimulate me
Methods to the Madness
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A form of learning where a neutral event is paired with a stimulus to elicit the reflexive behavior.
What is Classical Conditioning? or What did Pavlov do?
Anything that occurs in conjunction with a behavior to increase the likelihood that the desired behavior will occur again.
What is a Reinforcer?
Anything that elicits a physiological or behavioral response.
What is a Stimulus?
Taking an action and shifting it one step at a time toward the final behavioral goal.
What are Successive Approximations or Shaping?
State of a conditioned behavior reverting back to a previous stage in the learning process.
What is Regression?
Removing a stimulus to increase the likelihood a behavior will occur again.
What is Negative Reinforcement?
An event that does not depend on learning or previous experience to achieve it's reinforcing properties.
What is a Primary Reinforcer?
An initially neutral stimulus that precedes a behavior signaling that, that specific behavior will be reinforced if emitted correctly.
What is a Discriminative Stimulus or Cue?
Placing a behavior that is initiated by the animal under stimulus control by reinforcing the behavior as it spontaneously occurs.
What is Capturing or Scanning Method?
The lack of discrimination between two stimuli. An animal that has been conditioned to respond to a specific stimulus may offer the same response in the presence of a different stimulus.
What is Generalization?
Adding something to the environment to decrease the likelihood a behavior will occur again.
What is Positive Punishment?
An stimulus that initially means nothing but becomes reinforcing through pairing with a primary reinforcer.
What is a Secondary Reinforcer?
A behavior is said to be this when it is immediately offered following the cue, offered only when preceded by the correct cue, and not offered in the presence of another cue.
What is Stimulus Control?
The act of pairing an aversive with positive reinforcement until the event loses its aversive quality.
What is Desensitization?
Oops I F-ed up! What is Free Points?
What is Free Points
Removing something from an environment to decrease the likelihood a behavior will occur again.
What is Negative Punishment?
The act of reinforcing specific criteria to shape a specific behavior; selecting higher quality responses to improve performance.
What is Differential Reinforcement?
A stimulus that pinpoints the exact moment the behavioral criteria is met.
What is a Bridging Stimulus?
A behavior that is impossible to perform at the same time as another specific behavior.
What is an Incompatible Behavior?
A mild type of punishment in which the opportunity to obtain reinforcement is removed.
What is Time Out or Least Response Stimulus?
A type of learning in which behavior is determined by its consequences. The animal selects an action, leading to a desired outcome.
What is Operant Conditioning? or What did Skinner do?
The strategies which can be used to deliver reinforcement.
What is Intermittent or Continuous Reinforcement?
The process of gradually decreasing a behavior that an animal normally reacts to by prolonged or repeated exposure to the stimulus.
What is Habituation?
A type of learning in which one animal learns from observing the behavior and consequences of another's actions.
What is Observational Learning?
An unrelated behavior that an animal offers during training of another behavior. Which is inadvertently reinforced with the desired behavior, creating a chain.
What is Superstitious Behavior?