True or false: All mammals are warm-blooded animals.
True. They are called endotherms cause of there warm blood.
Name a bird that cannot fly.
Streamer Ducks
True or False: Reptiles are cold-blooded
Are spiders amphibians, reptiles, or arachnids?
They are Arachnids
Fish use these to breathe.
What are their gills?
A group of crows is called a what?
What can you hold without using your hands?
Your breath
This animal is the biggest mammal on land.
What is the Elephant?
What type of bird is in this picture?
What is a Pelican?
What is the word that means slightly salty, as is the mixture of river water and seawater in estuaries.
A.) Half and Half
B.) Seshy
C.) Mophetor
D.) Brackish
True or False: Insects do not sleep.
Do Sharks have cartilage or bones?
Cartilage. They are the same tissue we have in our noses.
What is a group of turkeys called?
Hint: It starts with an R
What five letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
Porcupines use these to protect themselves from predators.
What are quills?
Birds do this to find a temporary place to live with more food and resources.
What is migration?
Which large carnivorous reptile lives primarily in salt water or brackish water?
Alligators or crocodiles?
True or False: All crickets chirp.
False. Only male crickets chirp.
Name 3 types of sharks
Hammerhead shark, Cow shark, Angel sharks, Bull Sharks, Great White Sharks, Tiger Sharks, Whale Sharks
What percentage of their lives do cats spend sleeping?
A.) 50%
B.) 60%
C.) 70%
D.) 80%
How far can a dog run into the woods?
True or False: Horse's have one of the worst smelling burps on the planet.
False. Horse's can't burp!
These birds are used as racing vessels in places like Australia.
What reptile sheds their skin in one whole section instead of patchy spots?
How many legs does a housefly have?
Name a fish that NH Fish and Game stocks in ponds, lakes, rivers, and brooks throughout New Hampshire.
What mammal has the most powerful bite?
I am at the center of gravity and you can find me in Venus but not in Earth. Who am I?
True or False: Most mammals are born live, not from eggs.
True. Only the platypus and echidna lay eggs for their babies.
This is the smallest bird egg in the world.
What is a hummingbird egg?
True or False
Amphibians are warm blooded
False They are cold-blooded
What is the most common type of insect in the world?
What fish never stops moving, even when it's asleep?
A male duck is called a what?
Hint: It starts with a D
The more there is, the less you see. What is it?
True or False: All mammal babies drink milk from their mothers.
Which bird is the closest living relative to the T-Rex?
What is a chicken?
What kind of snake has the fastest acting venom?
Hint: This snake has has two parts to its name.
B______ M_______
What is a black mamba? Western Taipans are the most venomous snake in the world.
How far can a flea jump?
A.) 2 inches
B.) 13 inches
c.) 10 feet
D.) 6 inches
13 inches
What is a group of fish called?
What type of shark was Jaws in the movie Jaws?
Hint: Not megalodon
Great white
How many apples can you put in an empty basket?
What is the only land mammal that cannot jump?
An elephant can run up to 25 mph but cannot jump!
Birds are cold blooded. True or False?
False. They are warm-blooded
This reptile can change color
What is the Chameleon?
What weighs more? All of the insects on Earth or all of the humans?
What is the biggest fish in the ocean?
Hint: It is not a whale. Whales are mammals.
What is a whale shark?
What male sea creature gives birth to its young?
People make me, save me, change me, take me. What am I?