What are cattle born without horns called? Angus, Galloway, and Amerifax are examples of breeds that carry this trait.
Due to their squished faces, pugs are prone to which syndrome that affects their breathing?
Brachycephalic syndrome
What animals have teeth that never stop growing?
Lagomorphs (rabbits & hares) and Rodents
What mammals lay eggs?
Monotremes: Platypus and Echidna
What term applies to a specialist who applies shoes to a horse’s hooves? The term is a derivation of the Latin word for “Iron”.
What word means a female dairy animal that has not yet given birth and therefore does not produce milk?
What is the only place on their body where dogs have sweat glands?
Paw Pads
What type of exotic pet can not bathe in water due to its dense fur, so it must take dust baths?
What is the smallest mammal in the world?
Bumblebee Bat
What is a female donkey called?
“Billy goat” is a common nickname, but what is the proper term for a male goat?
What’s the main way cats show they trust someone?
What type of fish commonly kept as pets can live up to 40 years?
An emblem of New Zealand where it is endemic, which non-flying bird is unique in having external nostrils at the tip of its beak?
The height of a horse is measured to which point on the horse’s back that lies at the base of the neck and above the shoulders?
What type of farm animal can sunburn?
Cats have a unique grooming tool on their tongue. What are these tiny, backward-facing structures called?
What are the different colorations in captive bred reptiles called?
Deriving from the Latin words for "fin" and "foot," what is the name of the order of carnivorous, flippered mammals that includes seals and walruses?
Most commonly associated with horses, which term beginning with F describes the joint between the cannon bone and the pastern bone? This joint also approximates the human ankle.
Belted Galloway, Belgian Blue, and Hereford are breeds of which animal?
What is thought to be the oldest breed of dog?
What type of bird commonly kept as a pet is native to Australia and only has one color combination in the wild but over 32 in captivity?
Budgie or Budgerigar (a type of parakeet)
What African mammal has the highest blood pressure of any animal? The blood pressure near their heart is about twice an adult human's but reduces as you get closer to their head.
What do you call the underside of a horse’s hoof?
A frog