This animal has one or two humps and lives in desert areas.
Trivia Question: What do bees make?
What is Maltby Elementary School's mascot?
This animal says "gobble gobble."
A turkey
Trivia Question: What bird lives in Antarctica and cannot fly?
This African animal has black and white stripes.
Trivia Question: What is it called when birds fly to warmer climates for the winter?
This animal slides on its belly.
A snake
What type of fish is Nemo?
A clown fish
What is the word for when a baby comes out of an egg?
This type of beetle has a red shell with black spots.
A ladybug
This type of animal is a meat eater.
Trivia Question: What do you call a baby cat?
Trivia Question: How many arms does a starfish have?
What is a baby kangaroo called?
A joey
Trivia Question: What do caterpillars turn into?
Trivia Question: How many legs does a spider have?
Trivia Question: Name a mammal that can’t jump
Answer: Elephant, sloth, hippo, & rhino, whale, dolphin, manatee.
Trivia Question: Which sea animal has tentacles that sting?
What animal starts off as a tadpole?
A frog.
Trivia Question: What do you call a baby lion?
A cub
Trivia Question: What is the fastest land animal?
Answer: The Cheetah
This animal has a mane and tail and hooves.
A horse.
Trivia Question: Which bird can learn to mimic human speech?
What classifies something as a mammal? (name at least one thing)
If it gives birth to live children and feeds it milk, has hair or fur, warm blooded.