When was the Animal Welfare Act initiated?
What is Provision 1 and the aim?
Good nutrition: provide ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigor
Animal Welfare Aim: Minimize thirst and hunger and enable eating to be a pleasurable experience
What are the innate emotions in all animals?
Seeking, rage, fear, panic
What are the other laws in Animal Welfare?
Horse Protection Act, Humane Methods of Slaughter, & 28 Hour Law
What species is concerned in feedlots?
Beef Cattle
Who administered the Animal Welfare Act?
USDA's Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service
What is Provision 2 and the aim?
Good environment: provide shade/shelter or suitable housing, good air quality and comfortable resting areas
Animal Welfare Aim: minimize discomfort and exposure and promote thermal, physical and other comforts
What is seeking?
Basic impulse to search, investigate, and make
sense of the environment
When was the Horse Protection Act passed?
What species is concerned when males are born?
Dairy Cattle
Why are farm animals not covered by the AWA?
Because they are handled through state and local laws
What is Provision 3 and the aim?
Good health: prevent or rapidly diagnose and treat disease and injury, and foster/good muscle tone, posture and cardiorespiratory function
Animal Welfare Aim: Minimize breathlessness, nausea, pain and other aversive experiences and promote the pleasures of robustness, vigor, strength and well coordinated physical activity
What is fear?
When survival is threatened and Can be physical, mental or social
When was the Humane Methods of Slaughter passed?
What animals are not covered under AWA?
Farm animals for food and fuel, amphibians and reptiles, horses not used for research, fish, rats and mice
What is Provision 4 and the aim?
Appropriate behavior: Provide sufficient space, proper facilities, congenial company and appropriated varied conditions
Animal Welfare Aim: Minimize the threats and unpleasant restrictions on behavior and promote engagement in rewarding activities
What is rage?
Explosive energy to fight back to get away – extreme fight response (pure survival mechanism)
When was the first version of the 28 Hour Law passed? When was the latest version passed?
1873, 1994
What species are concerned in regards to the fullness of shelters?
Dogs and cats
What are the AFA requirements?
Requirements concerning treatment of animals in
research, teaching, testing, exhibition, transport and
by dealers
What is Provision 5 and the aim?
Positive mental experiences: Provide safe, congenial and species-appropriate opportunities to have pleasurable experiences
Animal Welfare Aim: Promote various forms of comfort, pleasure, interest, confidence and a sense of control
What is panic?
Social attachment system and likely evolved from physical pain
What is the description of the Horse Protection Act, Humane Methods of Slaughter, and 28 Hour Law?
HPA: Prohibits the showing, sale, auction, exhibition
or transport of sored horses
HMS: Requires humane treatment at the facility and Must provide quick and effective death
28HL: If more than 28 hours, they must be off-
loaded for 5 hours for rest/food/water
What species is concerned in crowding in housing?