how many toes do cats have on their front and back paws?
Bonus question- how many toes do they have total?
18 toes
true or false
Can lobsters regrow their limbs?
True! They can regrow claws and legs!
What bird holds funerals and mourns the loss of their fellow bird?
Crows! Few animals in the wild mourn others.
True or false
Dalmatian dogs are born without spots?
they develop spots as they grow older
what is the only mammal that can fly?
The bat!
True or false
are cats lactose intolerant?
True, despite popular belief cats are very much so lactose intolerant.
-the image is cat safe milk-
starfish do not have what?
fill in the blank!
Kiwi birds are ____ so they use to _____
Blind & near sighted
hunt & sense
What dog can out run a cheetah?
While the greyhound only reaches 35mph compared to the cheetah at 70mph
the cheetah can only go 30 seconds at top speed
the greyhound can go for 5 -7 miles at top speed
what sea creature has blue blood?
True or false
Does Disneyland release cats at night?
Yes they do to capture rodents!
+300 points if you answer this bonus question
How many cats do they release?
who lived first? jellyfish or dinosaurs?
Jellyfish have been around for 500 million years
Dinosaurs existed 250 million years ago
What bird today is closest to the T-rex?
The common chicken!
which dog's sense of smell is so good its used in the court of law as evidence?
humans were thought to be the only creatures to use and create tools what other animals use tools?
A myriad of them but most commonly found in
chimpanzees, dolphins, elephants, sea otters, octopuses, capuchin monkeys, gorillas, and some bird species like the Egyptian vulture and woodpecker finch
what is a group of kittens called?
Bonus question +400 if you get 2 of 5 answers
what is a group of cats called?
a group of kittens is a kindle
a group of cats is a clowder, clutter, pounce, cluster, and glaring
a group of stingrays is called what?
a fever!
What bird is the only bird that can swim, but not fly. It is also the only bird that walks upright.
what is the name and breed of the tallest dog in the world? the dog stood at 7 feet 4 inches.
Zeus was the dogs name and the breed was great dane
animals fear _____ more than a lion?
Humans, we are the superior predator
true or false
Do cats have whiskers on their face, eyes and legs?
They are called the Carpal Whiskers!
What is the name of this sea creature
This creature is a sea angel, its a form of a sea snail
here is your hint, it is so good at copying sounds electronics are needed to distingush them from the original sound.
Mocking birds!
what was the worlds smallest dog and what was their breed?
Bonus points if you get the height!
Pear is the dogs name and the breed is chihuahua!
the dogs height is 3.59 inches
what animal is immortal, and can it die?
the immortal jellyfish and yes it can die from numerous factors.
how much DNA in a common house cat is related to a tiger?
over 95% in similarities, cats and tigers are very identical and have the same behaviors.
What sea creature has mimic'd (copied or acted) many other sea creatures including but not limited to jellyfish, sea snakes, lionfish, shrimp, crab, and Many others using its surroundings?
The Mimic Octopus
What is this phenomenon called?
A murmuration!
its a bunch of little birds flying together in unison in a ever changing pattern.
in 2012 What dog was elected to be mayor of a town?
Mayor Max of Idylwood, California!
2 questions for this one
1- how big is the single largest cell organism in the world?
-7000 points for this one-
2- what is the name of it?
30 centimeters =11.8 inches
The largest single-celled organism is considered to be a green algae called Caulerpa taxifolia.
In 1995 Denmark there was a green colored cat, what caused this?
Bonus points if you get the cats name right!
unknown, however it is speculated that copper in the water caused this.
When copper rusts it turns green.
The cats name is Ms.Greeny!
What is the name of this creature?
if you get close you get the points.
The Costasiella sea slug – also known as the ‘leaf sheep’
White, blue, brown, chocolate brown, plum-croad (purple), Green, and Pink
dogs cannot eat chocolate because of what?
Theobromine, dogs cannot digest this chemical and it builds up inside of them.
if you chose this you got a free 700 points
+700 points
what does the koala eat for most of their diet.
Eucalyptus leaves