Please be patient for a moment: H.Y.H.
Hold your horses
To selfishly take more than one's share, especially of the road
A large hornless ruminant quadruped, distinguished by its humped back, long neck and cushioned feet
In their first top 10 hit, Duran Duran was "Hungry Like The..."
As the saying goes, this animal can't change its spots
You are in big trouble: Y.G.I.C.
Your goose is cooked
To live off the expenses of others, giving nothing in return
Of the carp family, native to China. Commonly kept in ponds, cold-water tanks or glass globes
Loudon Wainwright III had a 70s novelty hit with "Dead" this "in the middle of the road, stinking to high heaven"
The heart of this long-necked mammal can weigh about 20 pounds
Don't forget how many other single people are out there in the dating pool: T.A.P.O.F.I.T.S
There are plenty of fish in the sea
To crash into with great force, as when battering down a door
Mouse-like flying quadrupeds having the fingers extended to support a thin membrane
A bat
In the title of their 2000 hit, the Baha Men wanted to know this
Who Let The Dogs Out?
The bottlenose species of this critter looks like it's smiling, but that's just the way its mouth is shaped
Make all the necessary preparations before you start: G.Y.D.I.A.R.
Get your ducks in a row
To deceive or trick
One of several large-eared seals including the distinct species Zalophus Californianus
Sea lion
The expert primatologist Jane Goodall made a career out of studying these apes in Tanzania
You can do anything you wish or go anywhere you want in this life: T.W.I.Y.O.
The world is your oyster
To hum, buzz or speak in a monotonous tone
Popular names of various acalephs, medusas or sea-nettles, from their gelatinous structure
Boy George sang, "You come and go, you come and go" in this hit
Karma Chameleon
This flightless bird ranges in size from blue (smallest) to emperor (largest)