What type of fish is Dory from Finding Nemo?
What is Blue Tang
do all Lizards have 4 legs?
No. There are two legged, and even Legless Lizards that exist.
An Octopus considered a fish.
True or False
False. Octopi are part of the cephalopod category.
Can a fish get a sun burn?
Reptiles have existed for over 300 million years.
True or False?
Name one of the Top 5 smallest Mammals in the world.
lesser pygmy shrew, Bumblebee Bat, pygmy jerboa, mouse lemur, least weasel
What is the largest Bird?
The Ostrich
Some amphibians do not have lungs.
True or False?
True. Some species of amphibians get oxygen through their skin instead.
Some species of fish can learn to do tricks.
True or false?
True. Goldfish, Bettas, and Oscars are all known to be able to be trained.
what mammal cannot jump?
What is Elephant
What is the fastest flying Bird?
Peregrine falcon is the fastest when in a hunting dive.
Where is the world's largest amphibian found?
What is China
What are the places called where you can go view fish in large tanks?
what is the biggest reptile?
What is Saltwater crocodiles
What are the two mammals who lay eggs?
What is the platypus and echidna
Which amphibian is known for its healing abilities?
What is the Axolotl?