aquatic animals
farm animals
animals of africa
tree animals
burrowing animals

the largest aquatic animal and it is a somewhat dark tone

what is  whale


it is a working animal, it eggs a lot and has big ears.

what  is Donkey 


large African felid  carnivorous mammal, with reddish yellow fur, a large head, very strong teeth and nails

what is Lion 


climber , about 30 centimeter (s) in length , not counting the beak, which is arched , very thick and almost as long as the body , with a small head , 

what is Toucan 


Mammal of the order lagomorphs, about 40 centimeters long , including the tail , with thick fur usually gray in color. 

What is rabbit 

with the upper jaw in the shape of a sword  with two cuts and one meter long 

what is fish sword 


domestic about 50 centimeter (s) long from the head to the tip of the tail, which alone measures about 20 centimeter(s), with a round head very rough tongue , short legs and generally soft and tick fur 

what is  cat 


artiodactyl  mammal, with thick blackish and almost  naked skin, voluminous body about three meters long and two meters long and two meters high fast head small ears and eyes 

what is Hippo 


Carnivorous bird , larger than the  pigeon, with black plumage with bluish highlights, a conical beak, thick and longer than the head.

what is Crow 


Canid mammal lees that one meter in length, including the tail, with an elongated snout and steep ears very thick, reddish  brown fur 

what is Fox 


they have aquatic habits so their extremities are fin shaped and they approach the coast to breed

what is seal 


smaller that this , small or rudimentary crest, tail without extended covers and tarsi without spurs 

what is chicken 


Mammal of the order of the proboscidians, the largest of the terrestrial animals, with a small head and eyes , large and hanging ears, a united and very long nose and upper lips.

what is Elephant 


Hymenoptera insect, about fifteen millimeters long , blackish brown in color and reddish hair 

what is bee


carnivorous mammal from north america , with generally dark gray fur, a black sport around the eyes a white snout and a very bushy tail with transverse stripes 

what is Raccoon 


medium sized viviparous ,body generally covered by a wavy brown stripe, triangular and flattened head 

what is snake


of very diverse size, shape and coat, depending on the breed, which has a very fine sense of smell and is intelligent and very loyal to its owner 

what is dog 


Ruminant artiodactyl mammal, native to Africa ,up to five meters high, half of which correspond to the neck 

What is Giraffe 


Bird , and more particularly the one that has plumage with a red background 

what is Parrot 


The small head, the sharp snout and the very short legs and tail, which in case of danger curls up into a ball 

what is a hedgehog 


They measure  up to three and a half inches ( 8.9 cm) long, their bodies are covered in scales. They have fins and gill 

what is fish clown 


short legs, with fingers joined together by a membrane, of which there are several species some of them domestic

what is Duck 


Mammal of the order of perissodactyls, typical of Asia and Africa, large in size and thick skin , short legs ending in wide feet with three paws,  narrow head, pointed snout 

What is Rhinoceros 


about 20 centimeters long , reddish  black on the back , white on the belly and with a very bushy tail , which folds until it protrudes from the head , it breeds in the forests, and is very restless, lively and light. 

What is Squirrel 


carnivorous mammal with an elongated body , short legs with toes joined by a membrane , with highly prized skin, 

what is Gopher 
