This is the biggest animal in the world
Blue Whale
This type of animal has fur or hair
This habitat is a home to many creatures who need salt water to stay alive
the ocean
An animal that eats mainly meat is called a ...
An aquatic flightless bird
A penguin
These animals have many rows of teeth and come in many different varieties
This type of animal has wings, feathers, and hollow bones
This is the home of foxes and deer with many trees
An animal called an herbavore only eats...
What do people commonly call orcas
Killer Whales
These mammals live off the Oregon coast and have a special cave
Sea Lions
Snakes, lizards, and turtles are this type of animal
This habitat gets rain almost every day and is the home to many plants and animals
An animal called an Omnivore eats BOTH...
plants and animals
How big is a baby seahorse--the size of a BB, an M&M, or a cherry tomato
An M&M
True or False: Lobsters can live to be over 100 years old
What do fish use their gills for
breathing underwater
This habitat is very hot and dry. It gets very little rain.
This insect makes its own food. (People love to eat that food too)
What does it mean if an animal is bioluminescent
It can make its own light (like some jellyfish!)
What type of animal was Sebastian in the Little Mermaid
Hermit crab
This type of animal starts its life in the water with gills and then develops lungs to live on land
an amphibian
Name one thing an animal finds in its habitat
Food, water, shelter, or space
This animal has been seen wearing its food (a salmon) on its head
What has 3 hearts, can change to look like its environment, and has 8 limbs