how long do frogs live for
10 to 12 years
how tall are gorillas
4.4 feet
how much do beavers weight
60 to 80 pounds
how long do they live
70 years
what do frogs eat
flies and snails and slugs
how fast are gorillas
25 mph
what are beavers life span
10-12 years
how much do they weight
440 ton 1000
where do frogs live
in pond lakes and streams
how much do male gorillas weight
what do beavers eat
what type of animal is it hint mamal
it is a reptile
what type of animal is it example mamal
how long do gorillas live for
35 to 40 years
where do beavers live
in water/wetlands
how many teeth do they have
what is the frogs scientific name
what Is the gorillas only preadator
how fast can beavers swim
they can swim up to 5 mph
what is a crocidiles predators
none other than humans