What makes bulldog ants aggressive and size?
They're armed with massive jaws, venomous stings to kill prey and defend when threaten, plus 3 fourths of an inch. Their bodies are flexible to curing their stinger injecting venom in their prey multiple times.
How Felines and hyenas take prey 5 times their weight?
Attacking prey on the rear or hunt in packs. Surround prey attacking it from all directions.
What defense are Ants
Overwhelming numbers, Formic acid, Bites, Sting.
What bite force can hyenas exert up to?
9,000 lbs. per square inch. African wild dogs 9,900 lbs.
Are cheetahs solitary or social?
Are European wasps in Australia serious pests?
European wasps are pests in Australia introduced from Europe. Nests are made in the ground or low plants near buildings, plus, picnic areas.
How Wolves target old, sick, young, or weak prey.
Wolves wait until a member is left behind a herd of herbivores, then, they attack it
Bees and Wasps defense
Sting. Honeybees have barbed stingers only used once. Wasps, bumblebees, and hornets sting multiple times. Color warning
Bite force of a lion
up to 1,000 lbs.
What's a group of hyenas
What's the sting of a paper wasp?
What's the sting of paper wasps of the pain index?
Level 3, Defensive sting
Can bears steal wolf kills?
Bears scavenge carcass if other predators prevail their kills.
Leopard's defense
Powerful bite, Camouflage, Aggression
Bite force of Saber-toothed cat (Smilodon)
1,060 lbs.
What's the Size of tigers?
2.5 meters
How painful is the sting of the bullet ant?
The sting can last for several days with neurotoxins contained in the venom causing deaths over 1,000,000 people.
lions have powerful jaws and claws, How they use them?
Lions' claws are capable of scratching skin of prey, Jaws to bite on throats, and tear chunks of flesh.
viper snake & king cobra and other venomous snakes defense.
Venomous fangs, bite, attack, Aggression. Cobras eat other snakes like larger snakes.
Up to 1,007,004 lbs.
Group of Vespid wasps, bumble bees, honey bees and ants, and termites.
Colonies. Worker, Queen & drone, reproductives
What group are ants in?
Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Formicide.
Cobras, pit vipers, and other venomous snakes, why they use their fangs to kill prey?
Cobras, pit vipers, and other venomous snakes, have venomous fangs with different toxins along with neurotoxins to paralyze prey, sinking the fangs in their victims.
moths, other bugs defenses
Mimicry, Camouflage, bite & other defense
Wolf Bite force
700 lbs.
The length of king cobras
5 meters long