What sound does a dog make?
Woof Woof
Where do fish live?
In the water.
What do cows eat?
Is a cheetah fast or slow?
What animal has a long neck?
A giraffe.
What animal say meow?
A Cat
Where do birds build their nest?
In trees.
What do rabbits eat?
Is a turtle fast or slow?
What animal has black and white stripes?
a zebra.
What sounds does a cow make?
What is the habitad of a polar bear?
The Artic.
What do bees collect from flower?
Can an elephant run fast?
What sea creature has eight arms?
An octopus.
What animal make a ribbit sound?
A frog
What kind of home does a rabbit dig?
a burrow.
What do bears eat in the wild?
Fish and Honey.
What is the fastest bird in the world?
The peregrine falcon.
What mammal can fly?
a bat.
What bird is know for saying hoot hoot?
An Owl.
Where do lions live?
The savanna.
What is the name for animals that eat both plants and meat?
What is one of the slowest animals.
A Sloth.
What is the largest animal in the world?
a blue whale.