When did cloning first start?
The late 1800s
Which war did Sergeant Stubby fight in?
Unsinkable Sam (cat) survived __ shipwrecks?
What was the type of animal and breed was Dolly (the first cloned mammal)?
Type: Sheep
Breed: Finn-Dorset
What gender was Cher Ami?
How long did Greyfriars Bobby sit on his owner’s grave?
14 years (until his own death would also be acceptable).
What was the name of the first cloned dog?
Which war did Sargent Reckless deliver ammo in?
The Korean War
What is Grumpy Cat’s real name?
Tadar Sauce
In 1952 who cloned a frog?
Robert Briggs
How many lions saved a stolen girl in Kenya?
What animals make up the Big 5?
1 Lions
2 Bush elephant
3 Leopard
4 Black rhino
5 Cape Buffalo