What mammal has the longest neck?
A giraffe!!
Which reptile has the most powerful bite?
Saltwater crocodiles.
Most common flying animal?
Where do most Aquatic animals live ?
Near the surface of the water
What habitat do most land animals live in?
What is forests
What is a mammal?
A mammal is an animal that breathes air, has a backbone, and grows hair at some point during its life.
How long have reptiles been around?
For atleast 300 million years?
How do animals fly?
use their wings to generate both lift and thrust by moving them relative to the body.
What is the largest sea animal?
Blue whales!
How many years can a snail sleep for?
Three years
What mammal lives the longest?
Bowhead Whales
Which reptile lives the longest
Aldabra giant tortoise
Which animal is king of flying?
The Eagle!!!
How many fish species are there?
There are over 33,000
How many eyes does a honeybee have?
What is 5 eyes
What mammal lays eggs?
What is The Platypus
Which reptile lives the shortest life?
What is Labord's chameleons
What is the rarest flying animal in the world?
The answer is the woolly flying squirrel!!!
What is the rarest sea creature?
Hawaiian monk seal
What is the name for a group of lions?
What is A pride
What is the smallest mammal in the world?
The Etruscan shrew
What is the biggest reptile?
What is Saltwater crocodiles
What is the slowest flying animal?
The answer is American woodcock
Which animals survive in ocean?
Bottlenose Dolphins, Polar Bears, Largha Seals and Emperor Penguins!!!!
What is the smartest animal?
What is Chimpanzee