True or false, a great white shark has 300 teeth
True, they even grow back if it loses them
What is the most common pet in Hong Kong?
What is the fastest land animal?
Which is heavier, an elephant or a giraffe?
Can hippos swim?
No, they sink and run along the floor
Do great white sharks hunt and eat humans?
No, if they attack a human it is usually by mistake or curiosity
What is the name of the famous pig that has a statue on the Hong Kong avenue of stars?
What is the most dangerous land animal in Africa?
Whose tail is longer, a lemur or a kangaroo?
What is the largest animal to have ever existed?
Blue whale
Is it true or false that jellyfish are 95% water?
True, they don't even have a brain
Name an endangered animal in Hong Kong
Pangolin, Otter, Dolphins, Porpoises
What animal has the strongest bite?
Which is bigger, a bear or a gorilla?
Who is more intelligent, Pigs or Dogs?
What is one difference between a seal and a sea lion?
Different ears, Different flippers, Sea lions are bigger
Where can you find the most monkeys in Hong Kong?
Kam Shan Country Park (Monkey Mountain)
What colour is the skin of a polar bear?
Which is bigger, a tiger or a lion?
How many times does an elephant jump in its life?
0 times, elephants can't jump
What did killer whales wear on their heads as a fashion trend?
Salmon, they have also recently started sinking boats as a new trend
What is the most dangerous snake in Hong Kong?
Banded Krait
Name one of the three animals that kill the most humans
Mosquitos, Humans, Snakes
Which is taller, an ostrich or an emu?
What was the first animal in space?
A dog (Laika)