What are baby cats called?
What are male rabbits called?
a Buck.
Can dogs help with Blood pressure, anxiety, depression, etc.
Yes. you can even lower your blood pressure just by petting your pup.
What is a baby male horse called?
A Colt.
What beauty product contains fish scales?
Most Lip stick brands.
How many kittens does a average litter usually have?
(HINT: age depended.)
A feline litter usually consists of two to five kittens. Young cat mother, or a first time mother can expect to have around 2 to 3 kittens. At 3 to 4 years old a cat will be more likely to have around 4 to 5 kittens per litter. Eventually as the cat becomes old(er), her average litter size will naturally decrease.
What is a baby rabbit called?
Kit.. which is short for kitten.
what dog is born completely white?
A Dalmatian, they get there spots when they are older.
How many bones do Horses have?
Around 205 bones, in there skeleton.
What fish is the ONLY fish with eyelids?
What are Female cats called?
What happens if a rabbit is exposed to the cold, for too long?
They can get sick.
When your dog is one year old its as physically mature as a.....
15 year old human
Do horses prefer sweet or sour?
Sweet, and will usually reject sour stuff.
are Starfish real fish?
No, they aren't jelly fish ethier
What is a group of cats called?
A Clowder.
Do rabbits purr?
Yes, when they are happy. (but not a 'binky-joy level)
What is the Welsh word 'Corgi' mean?
It means dwarf dog.
What does REM mean?
Rapid Eye Movement. Horses experience REM (rapid eye movement) during sleep, which means they most likely dream.
How strong is Electric eels electricity?
Electric eels and electric rays have enough electricity to kill a horse.
How long typically does and average adult cat sleep during the day?
Cats conserve energy by sleeping for an average of 13 to 14 hours a day.
What is the most common hashtag on Instagram, about bunnies?
(HINT: There are more than 2,000 photos with this hashtag.)
What dog is the ONLY dog that has six toes on all four feet?
Norwegian Lundehund
What is Hippophagy a practice of?
Hippophagy is the practice of eating horsemeat
Most fish have what all over their bodies?
Taste buds.