Beavers build these homes out of sticks and mud. They also block up streams with these structures.
Lodges or Dams
This dinosaur's name meant "Tyrant Lizard King," and is probably the most famous of the dinosaurs.
Tyrannosaurus Rex, or T. Rex
This is a panda's favorite food
Elephants use this part to breath, drink, and move objects
This animal is the fastest runner on Earth
Bees and wasps build these as their homes
If you find a huge plant eating dinosaur with plates and spikes on its tail, it is probably this dinosaur.
These little insects make some of the sweetest food around! It is very stick and goes great with pastries.
Ouch! A bee just stung me with this body part
This animal is the heaviest animal to have ever live
Blue Whale
Animals like cows and buffalo live in large groups to help protect themselves from predators.
This giant, elephant like animal went extinct.
These colorful little insects love to eat up aphids. They are also considered good luck!
Though it sounds like a baby's toy, the rattle attached to this animal is not to be played with.
When diving down on prey from above, this bird can reach speeds of nearly 250 miles an hour
The oldest forest in the world is located in this town right next to the Power Authority and dam. Some of the fossils are over 385 Million years old
Gilboa or Cairo
This cute little marsupial loves to lounge and eat Eucalyptus leaves.
If you are a baby kangaroo, you might sleep in this body part.
This flyer is the smallest mammal in the world.
Bumblebee Bat
Some animals brought from around the world into habitats different from where they are from can cause damage to the local environment. These are called _____ species.
Invasive Species.
This fossil is the state fossil of New York
Sea Scorpion
This plant, sharing a name with the Roman goddess of love and a planet in our solar system, is one of the few that can eat animals
Venus Fly Trap
Every year, Male deer lose and regrown these body parts. They get more points the older the deer gets.
This animal has built more habitats in more places than any other in the world.