Which animal has the highest blood pressure
A giraffe
What mammal has the most powerful bite
A hippopotamus
What is the closest living animal related to the t rex
A chicken!??!!!?
What animal baby can gain 250 lbs per day
A baby blue whale
What animal is known to plant trees across the world
A squirrel!!!!
What is a baby hedgehog called
A hoglet
How many legs does a lobster have
What time of fish mate for life
What color of skin does a polar bear have
Black skin
What is the color of the flamingo when born
What is the fastest ocean animal
A sailfish
What is a large mammal that has such a strong tail it can lift its body off the ground
A kangaroo!!!!
What mammal has the thickest fur of any mammal
An otter
What is a group of camels called??
A caravan
What percent of cats lives of they spend sleeping
What animal lays the largest egg
An ostrich
What Birds Eye is bigger than its brain
An ostrich
What is the color of a giraffes tongue
What does a snake use to taste and to smell
The roof of its mouth
What animal has rectangular pupils
A goat
Where on the body are the crabs taste buds
It’s feet!!!!
Where do sea otters store food on there bodys
A pocket of skin in there armpits (gross)
What is the deadliest creature in the world
A misquito
What is a group of cats called
A clowder
A lion can be determined by its age by…
It’s nose!!!!!