I am an animal that has sharp teeth and is grey
a. Dolphin
b. Shark
c. Whale
d. Sea Lion
I am a animal that moves very slow
a. Hippopotamus
b. Sloth
c. Starfish
d. Snail
I am the biggest cat that lives. I have a mane and I and a golden yellow.
a. Lion
b. Leopard
c. Jaguar
I am the largest land mammals on earth and have distinctly massive bodies, large ears, and long trunks
a. Rhinos
b. Hippopotamus
c. Elephant
What was the N2Y about?
a. Chicago Parade
b. Airplanes
c. Chicago Air and Water Show
c. Chicago Air and Water Show
i am an under water male that gives birth. I also have a curl tail
a. Whale
b. Turtle
c. Penguin
d. Seahorse
I am a animal that is strong, black and have human like hands
a. Horse
b. Gorilla
c. Black Bear
I am a animal that has two humps or one and you can ride me
a. Llamas
b. Moose
c. Camel
i am a camel
I am a flexible spine, semi-retractable claws, long legs and tail allow it to achieve the unbelievable top speed of 110 km/hr (70 mph).
a. Cheetah
b. Hare
Which lake will the show be at?
a. Lake Murray
b. Lake Michigan
b. Lake Michigan
I am an animal that likes to jump and do cool trick to show off I have flippers, what am I?
a. Shark
b. Sealion
c. Dolphin
I am green and I hop around
a. Grasshopper
b. Iguana
c. Turtle
d. Frog
I am a fuzzy animal that meows
a. Wildcat
b. Cat
c. Catbird
I have a black and white striped
a. Panda
b. Zebra
c. Lemur
d. Skunk
True or False
Skydivers wear parachutes when they jump from aircraft
I am an animal that has eight legs and squirts black ink
a. Squidward
b. Squid
c. Octopus
I am a spotted animal that is also a wild cat. It is the second-largest of the four big cats
a. Lion
b. Leopard
c. Panther
I am a very tiny animal that has a hill for its home
a. Eagle
b. Chinchilla
c. ant
I have a horn and I am grey
a. Unicorn
b. Rhino
c. Deer
d. Elk
When is the show?
a. August 19-20
b. August 29-30
c. September 1-2
a. August 19-20
I am a animal who lives in a shell and I am green
a. Shrimp
b. Crab
c. Turtle
i am a turtle
I am and animal that eats ants
a. Bugs
b. Sloth
c. Anteater
I am a small to medium-sized bushy-tailed dog with long fur, pointed ears, and a narrow snout.
a. wolves
b. Fox
c. Jackals
I am animal that can laugh and I am spotted (Hint: I come out in Lion King)
a. Dogs
b. Hyena
c. Coyote
True or False
The U.S Navy Blue Angels DO NOT perform