__ameleon (noun) - A lizard that can change its skin color to blend in with its surroundings.
Chameleon (noun) - A lizard that can change its skin color to blend in with its surroundings.
Aquar_um (noun) - A transparent tank of water where aquatic plants and animals are kept.
Aquarium (noun) - A transparent tank of water where aquatic plants and animals are kept.
Des_rt (noun) - A dry, barren area of land with little rainfall and extreme temperatures.
Desert (noun) - A dry, barren area of land with little rainfall and extreme temperatures.
_mnivore (noun) - An animal that eats both plants and other animals.
Omnivore (noun) - An animal that eats both plants and other animals.
Amphibian (noun) - A cold-blooded animal that lives both on land and in water, like a frog or salamander.
Amphibian (noun) - A cold-blooded animal that lives both on land and in water, like a frog or salamander.
Plat_pus (noun) - A semi-aquatic mammal with a duck-like bill and webbed feet, native to Australia.
Platypus (noun) - A semi-aquatic mammal with a duck-like bill and webbed feet, native to Australia.
Mangr_ve (noun) - A tree or shrub that grows in tropical coastal swamps, with tangled roots above ground.
Mangrove (noun) - A tree or shrub that grows in tropical coastal swamps, with tangled roots above ground.
T_ndra (noun) - A cold, treeless Arctic region where the ground is permanently frozen.
Tundra (noun) - A cold, treeless Arctic region where the ground is permanently frozen.
Noct_rnal (adjective) - Active during the night.
Nocturnal (adjective) - Active during the night.
Invurtebrate (noun) - An animal without a backbone, such as an insect or jellyfish.
Invertebrate (noun) - An animal without a backbone, such as an insect or jellyfish.
_ookaburra (noun) - A large kingfisher bird native to Australia, known for its loud call.
Kookaburra (noun) - A large kingfisher bird native to Australia, known for its loud call.
_oral (noun) - A marine invertebrate that forms reefs in warm, shallow waters.
Coral (noun) - A marine invertebrate that forms reefs in warm, shallow waters.
Savanna (noun) - A grassy plain in tropical regions with few trees, home to grazing animals.
Savann_ (noun) - A grassy plain in tropical regions with few trees, home to grazing animals.
E_osystem (noun) - A community of living organisms and their environment.
Ecosystem (noun) - A community of living organisms and their environment.
Hibernate (verb) - To spend the winter in a dormant state, like some animals do.
Hibernate (verb) - To spend the winter in a dormant state, like some animals do.
A_olotl (noun) - A salamander that remains aquatic and gilled throughout its life, native to Mexico.
Axolotl (noun) - A salamander that remains aquatic and gilled throughout its life, native to Mexico.
Bra__ish (adjective) - Slightly salty water, often found in estuaries.
Brackish (adjective) - Slightly salty water, often found in estuaries.
Can_on (noun) - A deep, narrow valley with steep sides, often carved by a river.
Canyon (noun) - A deep, narrow valley with steep sides, often carved by a river.
_otosynthesis (noun) - The process by which plants make their own food using sunlight.
Photosynthesis (noun) - The process by which plants make their own food using sunlight.
Pollinashon (noun) - The process of transferring pollen from one flower to another, often by insects.
Pollination (noun) - The process of transferring pollen from one flower to another, often by insects.
Fennec (noun) - A small fox with large ears, native to the Sahara Desert.
Fenne_ (noun) - A small fox with large ears, native to the Sahara Desert.
H_drothermal (adjective) - Relating to hot water, especially in underwater vents in the ocean.
Hydrothermal (adjective) - Relating to hot water, especially in underwater vents in the ocean.
Prair__ (noun) - A large, open area of grassland, especially in North America.
Prairie (noun) - A large, open area of grassland, especially in North America.
Adapta__on (noun) - A change or adjustment that helps an organism survive in its environment.
Adaptation (noun) - A change or adjustment that helps an organism survive in its environment.
Extinct (adjective) - No longer existing, as in a species that has died out.
Extinct (adjective) - No longer existing, as in a species that has died out.