What is the largest animal on Earth
The largest animal on Earth is the Blue Whale
Which famous band is made up of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr? (hint it is a type of bug)
The Beatles
In the movie "Jaws", Jaws is a ______.
How many legs does a spider have?
How many lives has a cat said to have?
What animal are elephants scared of?
Name the song that is trying to find out what noise an animal makes
What does the fox say
Disney created an animated movie based on a boy who lives in the Jungle
The Jungle Book
Which bird is a universal symbol of peace?
A dove
What food do panda's eat
Pandas consume bamboo
Where is the only place on their bodies that dogs can sweat?
What is under their feet
Dogs can only sweat from the pads on their paws, not through the rest of their skin.
According to a 1961 single, what animal is sleeping "in the jungle, the mighty jungle"?
What animal is Charlotte in Charlotte's Web
A snail can sleep for how many years?
Name a slow animal
Turtle, snail, slug, sloth
What do you call a group of giraffes?
What is a Tower
This fact is amusing because giraffes are so tall. A mature giraffe’s average height ranges from 14 to 18 feet tall.
Fill in the blank: Oh, I'm a ______ bear
Yes, I'm a ______ bear
Oh, I'm a yummy, tummy, funny, lucky _____ bear
What is the name of the bear who loves honey and has a friend named Piglet
Winnie the Pooh (Pooh Bear)
A group of elephants is known as.....
Name a bird that can not fly
Ostrich/ penguin
What is a baby goat called?
What is a kid.
A baby goat is called a kid. A female goat is called a doe, or a nanny goat, and a male goat is called a buck, or a Billy goat.
What movie is the song "Can't Wait to be King" from?
The Lion King
What is Jurassic Park about?
How many stomachs does a cow have
A cow has four stomachs
Is a gorilla considered a monkey
No gorilla's have no tail so they are classified as apes not monkey's