What does a cookie monster eat?
In the ocean
Where whales, fish, seahorse, etc live?
Orange and white
What is a fox?
Brown and growls
What is a bear?
What is dog?
What do mice eat?
On the farm
Where do cows, goats, sheep, chicken, etc live?
White and black
What is a cow or zebra?
It howls and is gray
What is a wolf?
What is a cat?
What do horses eat?
In the jungle
Where do cheetahs, gorillas, etc. live?
A talking bird
What are parrots or mynah birds?
Green and has big teeth
What is a crocodile or alligator?
What is a mouse?
What does a lion eat?
In the woods
Where do fox, coyotes, wolves, squirrels, etc live?
Pink with legs
What is a jellyfish, flamingo or pig?
Slithers with fangs
What is a snake?
What is a snake?
What do pigs or racoons eat?
In the house
Where do pets live?
Octopus or spider
It lives in water with big teeth
What is a shark?
What is an owl?