this bird swims instead of flying
this reptile has scales and no legs
a snake
name 3 really big fish
i don't remember what category squid and octopi go in so i count them as fish!!!
whale shark, sunfish, giant squid
what is a marsupial
a mammal type animal that carries its babies around in a pouch
are spiders insects?
no they are arachnids
what do all birds have in common
feathers, a beak, and wings
this amphibian lives in water when it hatches and eventually can live on land
this scary fish is featured in a famous movie named after its mouth
A shark
what is a mammal
a fur coated animal that gives live birth to its babies
this green insect has long arms and acts like a ninja
a praying mantis
this tiny bird is often found in rain forests and tropical areas. it can fly backwards and even upsidedown.
true or false
sea turtles shells are their bones which cannot come off them
all fish live in one of these 2 kinds of water
saltwater or freshwater
this mammal is commonly mistaken for a fish
these small bugs make food for themselves and humans
what do all birds have INSIDE them that helps them fly
hollow bones
name any 2 amphibians
frogs, ceceilians, salamanders, axolotls, etc
all fish do or have these 3 things
lay eggs, swim, have fins
this big mammal has big paws and is seen mostly in forests
bear or cougar
this very creepy bug has tons of legs
name 3 birds that have wings but don't fly
emu, ostrich, penguin, kiwi bird.
what is this worm like amphibian called
a ceseilian
this fish looks like a snake, lives underwater in a small hole, and has sharp teeth.
an eel
this animal is a ______ and is known for its legs which boost it very high in the air.
marsupial and kangaroo
most bugs have these on their heads