What was Pinocchio before he was a real boy?
Two main characters in Toy story?
woody and buzz lightyear
Who is jealous of snow whites beauty in the movie?
The wicked queen
Who does magic for cinderella in the movie?
Her fairy godmother
What is Bambi?
young deer
Pinocchio's Toymaker name
Buzz lightyears famous saying?
To infinity and beyond
What did the dwarfs do for work?
They were Miners
What time at night does the magic spell wear off?
Two friends of bambi a rabbit and skunk
Thumper and flower
What happens to pinocchio when he lies?
His nose grows
Real voices of woody and buzz?
Tom Hanks-woody
Tim Allen -Buzz
What kind of fruit did the evil queen give to snow white to poison her?
How many evil step sisters did cinderella have?
Bambi becomes what of the forest at the end of the movie?
Great prince
What kind of animal swallows Gepetto in the movie?
Name of the boy who had all the toys in his room Buzz and woody and others?
Dwarfs names?
Doc-grumpy- happy-sleepy-sneezy-bashful-dopey.
What did the fairy god mother provide for cinderella to go to the ball?
pumpkin in to a carriage
mice to horses
rat to coachman
rags into beautiful gown
What happens to bambi's dad at the end of the movie?
He dies
End of movie Pinocchio turns in to what?
Real boy
What is woody dressed as in movie?
When snow white falls in to a deep death like sleep what is the only thing to awaken her from the bad apple?
Kiss from the prince.
Fairy godmother gave her what to put on her feet?
Glass slippers
Is bambi a male or a female?