Upon arrival in Tokyo, she lives an unreasonably frugal life and works multiple jobs to support him, spending nothing on herself and doing whatever she can for him, who eventually becomes ranked seventh of the top twenty most popular male celebrities of Japan. One day, she overhears the guy complaining about her to his manager, saying that she is a boring and plain girl who he thinks of as a doormat. He proceeds to sweet-talk and flirt with his manager, in stark contrast to the cold and demanding attitude he usually exhibits towards the protagonist. She doesn't shed many tears when she learns that he wanted her along only to handle housekeeping duties. Instead, her "Pandora's box" opens and she vows vengeance on him. As she is carried away by security, he mockingly tells her that if she wants revenge, she had better become a bigger star than he is. And so, she changes her appearance and enters the entertainment industry, facing many challenges along the way.
What is Skip Beat?