How many classes is Anisa taking this semester? (Trick Question)
What is 6
What is Anisa's favourite colour?
What is purple
How many siblings does Anisa have
What is 3
What are Anisa's majors?
What is drama aand pop-music
How many provinces has Anisa been to?
What is 2
What is Anisa's favourite class?
What is Science
What is Anisa's lucky number?
What is 12
How many pets does Anisa have?
What is 5 (Bonus points if you say almost 6!)
What is Anisa's number one artist on Spotify)
What is Taylor Swift
What is Anisa's favourite drink from her bar fridge?
What is diet coke... more specifically diet cherry coke
What dance team is Anisa on?
What is Newbie Lyrical
What is Anisa's favourite animal?
What are Jellyfish
How many piercings does Anisa have?
What is 9
How many concerts (non-hcc) has Anisa been too? (Bonus if you can name them!)
What is 5 (Grace Vanderwaal, Kids-Bop, Arctic Monkeys, Lizzy McAlpine, Taylor Swift)
How many schools has Anisa been to? (Bonus if you can name them)
What classes did Anisa get 100 on in midterms?
What is yoga, history and science
What is Anisa's favourite country she has been to?
What is Jamaica
What HCC choir is Anisa in?
What is Ilumini
What is Anisa's number 1 song on Spotify? Hint: It is because of Anisa's dad
What is Anti-hero
How many countries has Anisa been to? (Bonus if you can name them)
What is 5 (Canada, USA, Jamaica, England, Wales)
How many free lunches does Anisa have?
What is 2
What is Anisa's favourite Starbucks drink? (Be specific; ex. amount of pumps... additional ingredients... size)
What is a venti Pink Drink (strawberry coconut) with light ice, vanilla cold foam and additional peach juice
What is Anisa's favourite Theatre Aquarius show she has been in?
What is the Christmas one (Spirit of Change?)
How many instruments can Anisa play? (Bonus if you can name them!)
What is 5 (Piano, ukelele, kalimba, ocarina, glockinspiel)
What does Anisa want to be when she is older?
What is a psychologist