Tibialis anterior
This test the ATFL
Anterior drawer
This ligament connects the talus and the fibula
Anterior talofibular ligament
Calf strain
I felt a pop and can’t bring my foot up what did I tear
Tibialis anterior
The muscle is the main dorsiflexor
Tibilias Anterior
This test a lateral ankle sprain
Talar tilt
This ligament connects the calcaneous and the fibula
Calcanealfibular ligament
I twisted my ankle in and it hurts on the outside
Lateral ankle sprain
I tried to jump a hurdle and came down and my foot came inwards. (+) talar tilt
Lateral ankle sprain
Tibialis posterior
This test a medial ankle sprain
Talar tilt
Connects the tibia and fibula
Anterior tibiofibular ligament
There is bruising on the medial side of the ankle
Medial ankle sprain
I fell on someone’s foot and my ankle went outwards . What ligament did I damage
This is the shorter of the peroneal muscles
This test a high ankle sprain
Connects the tibia to the medial bones
I got my foot jammed into dorsiflexion and it’s swollen above my ankle
High ankle sprain
I was running and felt my calf pop and can’t go up on my toes. What muscle did I tear
Soleus/ Gastroc
This is the under layer muscle for planter flexion
This test is done by cupping the patients heel and pulling towards you
Anterior drawer
Connects the posterior tibia and fibula
Posterior tibiofibular ligament
I felt a pop on the outside of my leg and can’t move it outwards
Peroneal strain
I’m a basketball player and fell down on my teammates ankle but my leg was forced up into dorsiflexion.(+) Kleigar’s
High ankle sprain