What is stage directions?
are mostly instructions about how to perform the drama
What means apalled?
Is to feel horror and shock about something
with what they hid the door to the secret room?
whit a furniture with books
What was the name of the building where the Frank family hid?
in the annex of Otto Frank's office building.
What is drama?
is a form of literature meant to be performed on stage
What means ostentatiously?
acts in an exaggeratedway in order yo attract attention.
What happened to Anne Frank and her family after they were discovered?
After they were discovered in hiding, Anne Frank and her family were arrested by the Gestapo and deported to concentration camps.
Who were the people who helped hide Anne Frank and her family?
Miep Gies and Mr. Kraler
What is a flashback
Is when an author interrupts the chronological order to describe something that took place at an earlier time
What means conspicuous?
Conspicuous is obvious or very esay to see
Name 3 characters of this story
Anne Frank, Margot Frank, Mr. Frank, Mrs. Frank, Peter Van Daan, Mr. Van Daan, Mrs. Van Daan, and Mr. Dussel
In which country did this story take place?
What is foreshadowing?
I when the author may also provide hints to suggest future events.
What means indignantly?
acts in a way that shows anger or shock over something that is unfair
In which year this story take place?
What means inarticulate?
is unable to speak in a clear way
What is cast of characters?
Is a list of all the characters in the play
What means loathe?
Means to dislike it very much
Where did the Frank family hide?
in a top floor of a warehouse and office building
Why did Anne Frank's family go into hiding?
The family of Anne Frank went into hiding due to the persecution of Jews during World War II by the Nazis