What year did WWll start?
What is 1939?
Who was Anne's crush?
Who was Peter Schiff
The dentist
Who was Fritz Pfeffer
What was a tv back then
What is a radio
Concentration camp where Anne died.
Where was Bergen Belsen
when did WWll end?
What is 1945
What were her best friend's names?
Who was Hanneli and Jacqueline
Who was Otto Frank
What was Auguste's most prized possesion?
What is a fur coat
How did Peter Van Pels die?
What is a Death march
When was Anne born?
What is 1929
What was her uncle's name?
Who was Uncle Uli
What was Miep Gies job to do in the Annex?
What is Deliver food and sorts of that.
What is Anne's most prized possession?
What is a diary
What did Anne die of?
What is typhus fever
When did the Franks go to Holland?
What was 1933
What was her cat's name?
Who was Moortje
What was Peter's cat's name?
What is Booch
What is Herman van Pels most prized possession?
What are cigarettes
What did Otto Frank Die of?
What is old age
What year did Anne Frank die?
What is 1945
What was Anne's family names?
Who was Margot, Edith and Otto Frank
Who was Auguste van Pels
What is the money in Holland?
What are Guilders
Where did Auguste van Pels die?
Where was Auchwitz