Plot Points
Quotes and Inferences

Why does Mr. Kraler SAY he needs to take Mr. Frank away during their New Year's Day celebration?

To look over some contracts.


_____________ disappeared between Act I and Act II.



The children are treated the same as adults when it comes to hearing about the blackmailer because...

...they are all in the same situation and Mr. Frank believes that they'll just imagine something worse if not told the truth.


Who said: "For the past few years, we have lived in fear.  Now we can live in hope."

Mr. Frank


Define "Theme"

the underlying main idea of a work


Why don't we see much of Mr. Kraler in the second half of Act II?

He has an ulcer.


_________ admired Anne for her ability to "give it back" to the adults.



The inhabitants think they are being blackmailed because...

A factory worker mentioned Mr. Frank, glanced at the hidden door, and asked for more money.


What can we infer about Mr. Frank's character as a result of his attempt to keep Mrs. Frank from throwing the Van Daans out after she discovers Mr. Van Daan's stealing?
A. It doesn't bother him that Mr. Van Daan was stealing
B. He values the Van Daans more than his own family
C. He is a compassionate and forgiving person
D. He wants everyone to treat each other kindly

C. He is a compassionate and forgiving person


How many themes can there be in a work of literature?

As many as you can prove, as long as you can find evidence for it in the beginning, middle, and end of the work.


What good news does Miep bring the families in hiding in the middle of the night?

The invasion has begun!


_________ brought the inhabitants of the secret annex a cake that said Peace in 1943 and then Peace in 1944, demonstrating that she was _____________

Miep, hopeful/optimistic 


The children had less to eat because...

Mr. Van Daan was stealing bread.


Who said:
"In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart."

Anne Frank


Which of these themes would NOT work for The Diary of Anne Frank:
A: Envy
B: Kindness
C: Cruelty
D: Tolerance 

A: Envy.  Remember, you have to be able to pull from the beginning, middle, AND end.


How does Mr. Frank learn of the fates of his family?

He spoke with other Holocaust survivors who knew them.


What are some of Mrs. Frank's reasons for wanting the Van Daans to leave?  List three.

- They have been living with them for almost two years
- Mrs. Van Daan never distributes the food evenly
- Mr. Van Daan was caught stealing bread
- Mr. Van Daan's stealing was taking food from the children
- They are rude and quarrelsome 


Mr. Frank is the only survivor of the inhabitants of the secret annex because...

...someone told the Nazis where they were hiding and everyone else died in concentration camps.


What can we infer about Anne's response to difficult circumstances from: "I can shake off everything if I write."

One of the ways she maintains hope is through writing in her diary.


Anne's inward journey and change of character over time would best be used as evidence of what kind of theme:
A. Betrayal
B. Growth
C. Strength
D. Hope

B. Growth


Why does Anne write: "Ha, ha, the joke's on us."?

The factory worker Mr. Kraler told them about didn't actually know anything about the fact that they were hiding.  


One of the biggest pieces of evidence that Anne's character has changed comes at the end of Mrs. Frank's confrontation with Mr. Van Daan -- what was it?

She admits that she was horrible to her mother and publicly apologizes.


Anne begins to mature and realizes that she treated her mother badly because...

...she is growing older, and her consistent efforts to find herself and improve herself (as seen in her diary) are paying off.


Why did Mr. Frank say: “We don’t need the Nazis to destroy us.  We’re destroying ourselves."

He was frustrated with the fighting taking place in the Annex, the lack of compassion being given toward both sides, and the horrible fate they would face if the Van Daans were forced to leave.


Which of the following would NOT be a theme that finds support in the play?
A. In difficult circumstances, people struggle to maintain hope
B. Compromise is needed for successful relationships
C. Children should be treated as adults
D. Humanity's cruelty and inhumanity toward other humans

C. Children should be treated as adults
