What is Amsterdam?
The Secret Annex was hidden by this furniture piece.
What is a bookcase?
This family member helped preserve Anne Frank's Diary after the war.
Who is Otto Frank?
The amount of Jewish people that were killed in the Holocaust.
What is about 6 million people?
The first and last of diary entries written by Anne Frank (closest wins their wager).
First: June 12, 1942
Last: August 1, 1944
Anne Frank was born in this country.
What is Germany?
To pass the time, Anne did a lot of this activity, which led to her famous diary.
What is writing?
Anne’s diary was addressed to an imaginary friend named this.
Who is Kitty?
The Frank's hiding place was located in this part of the building.
What is the attic?
Upper floors will also be accepted
The year Anne Frank was born.
What is 1929?
This is the number of people that hid in the Secret Annex.
What is eight?
The published version of Anne’s diary is called this.
What is "The Diary of a Young Girl?"
The annex residents had to stay silent during the day to avoid being heard by these people working below.
Who are warehouse employees?
This is the year that Anne Frank and her family went into hiding.
What is 1942?
The Secret Annex was located in this type of building.
What is a warehouse?
Office space will also be acceptable.
What is her 13th birthday?
The amount of rooms the Secret Annex had.
What is four rooms?
This is the concentration camp that Anne Frank and her sister died at.
What is Bergen-Belsen?
Anne Frank shared a room with this person which often frustrated her.
Who is Fritz Pfeffer?
Albert Dussel -- his pseudonym in the diary is also acceptable
Anne often wrote about this person in the annex, whom she developed feelings for.
Who is Peter van Pels?
The people in hiding relied on this employee of Otto Frank’s business to bring them food and supplies.
Who is Miep Gies?