The dating app we met on was...
What is Hinge?
The location of our first date was...
What is North River Tavern?
The length of time had passed before had our first overnight was...
What was about one month?
What word is replaced with "Woo-woo-woo!"?
What is RELAX!
What is your person's favorite activity?
What is trivia (him)/Zumba (her)?
The location of our first face-to-face meeting was...
What is Folk Art?
The activity we did for our first date was...
What is Trivia Night and dinner?
The name of the first poem Dr. Bakery wrote for Luscious was...
What is...Our Love Has No Time
How do we typically start the day when we are physically apart?
What is answering the daily question on the Agape app?
The activity sparked by a lunch at Bob and Harriet's Home Bar was...
What is jigsaw puzzling?
The outfit he/she was wearing when we first met was...
What is a long grey dress (her) and a blue t-shirt (him).
The Bakery nervous about cashing in these on your first date.
What are receipts?? :-D
During what holiday weekend was our first couples' trip?
What is Easter weekend?
What is one phrase that Marlon Richard says almost once per day?
What is "I don't do anything wrong".
How can you tell when your person is angry?
What is "she gets quiet"?
What is "he usually expresses it"?
The date of our Meet-a-ver-sary is...
What is July 5th?
The person ultimately responsible for the first date was...
Who is Danielle Wright?
What is the most memorable moment in your relationship?
***Freebie*** Nothing you say is wrong.
Where was the first place you kissed?
What is at your house?
*** I don't think we kissed on the first date, but I know we kissed the next day when I visited you and we cuddled on the couch. ***
The worst thing that has happened while we were on a date was...
Getting a boot on my car. :-/
The date and location of our second meeting was...
What is July 10th at the Mall of Georgia?
The gift you presented the Bakery with on the first date was...
What is a Simmons Bakery t-shirt?
How was the first "I love you" expressed?
How was through a round of Hangman via text?
Where was our third date? Hint available.
Where was the Piedmont Arts Festival?
The meal the two of us are least likely to agree on eating together is...
What is ETHNIC brunch?