Who should be vaccinated against FLU and COVID
All employees and residents are encouraged to be vaccinated against both
This is the number one way to prevent the spread of infections.
What cleaning agent/wipes must be used if a patient has C'DIFF
What is : BLEACH (10%)/Orange top wipes
True or False: Your are emptying trash in a patients room- do you need to change your gloves between EACH patient?
What is: TRUE! Nobody should EVER be in the halls with gloves on
What type of precautions are used for every resident?
What is: standard precautions (gloves)
ALL residents need to do this before being brought to the dining room for meals?
What is wash their hands
True or False: A resident on isolation for flu or covid can have their door propped open?
What is: FALSE
What are sign and symptoms of COVID?
What is: fever, respiratory s/s, loss of taste or smell, however some people have no symptoms.
If a Patient is on Enhanced Barrier Precautions when do you put on your PPE?
What is : When providing direct hands on care; shower, peri care, providing a feeding via a peg tube
True or False: Hand Sanitizer is: -effective only if applied and rubbed in thoroughly -Applied before and after patient contact , and each glove use
What is: True
What does contaminated laundry go in?
What is a clear biodegradable bag and a yellow bag
Residents with a Foley Catheter are at an increased risk for what type of infection?
What is :a UTI
Type of PPE used for a patient with COVID
What is: Gown, Gloves, N95 mask, face shield/goggles
True or False: I just came out of a c'diff patients room, I do not need to wash my hands. I only emptied trash and did not touch the patient
What is: FALSE- c'diff will be on EVERY object
What goes on the residents door when they are on isolation?
What is: A sign to go see the nurse before entering, and PPE don/doff instructions, PPE Set up, sign stating the type of isolation (contact, Enhanced Barrier Precautions, Neutropenic)
If a Resident has C. Diff how do you decontaminate your hands?
What is: You must use soap and water to wash your hands.
True or False: Neutropenic Precautions is one way to protect the resident who are high risk for infections?
What is: TRUE
The correct way to wash your hands
What is: turn on the faucet, wet hands, apply soap, lather/scrub minimum 20 seconds, rinse hands, dry with paper towel, use paper towel to turn off faucet, use the paper towel to exit the room.
What does contaminated trash/isolation gowns go in?
What is : a red biohazard bag and a biohazard box.
Name 1 Common Blood Borne pathogens.
What is : Hepatitis B, C and HIV