A review of WWC overall Health and Safety program, in which results are communicated to all staff
What is a H&S audit
A warning label on a push mower, and its users manual
What are admin controls
Paper and discussion training of different emergencies during staff meetings
What are tabletop emergencies/discussions
Proper moving, lifting and handling of loads
What is manual material handling
Checks to identify any deficiencies in our workspaces
What are workplace inspections
Having access to SDS, training, hazard IDs, safety bulletins or corrective actions following a near miss or incident
What is your right to know
A single or repeated incident of unwelcome conduct, comment, bullying or action intended to intimidate, offend, degrade or humiliate a particular person or group
What is harassment
Loud events that are conducted to keep individuals practiced and to identify any deficiencies
What are Fire Drills
Items that outside parties have the duty to notify WWC staff about
What are hazards
Scenario: "The tea cart was wobbling funny before I loaded it, during service all of a sudden a wheel came off and all the drinks and glasses crashed off, I got burned by the hot coffee splash"
What is an incident
Committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment to all, providing resources and leadership to support employee physical, psychological and social well-being.
What is WWC H&S Policy
A form filled out before doing non-routine work
What is a site specific hazard assessment
Privacy term ie: The CHSC not including names when reviewing near misses and incidents
What is confidentiality
A home for equipment training records, orientation, 6 month reviews and other training acquired
What is the staff education binder
Pull the pin of an extinguisher, aim the nozzle at the base of a fire, squeeze the trigger, sweep the suppressant from the extinguisher from side to side
What is P.A.S.S.
Following all procedures, working with an awareness of H&S, and cooperate to work towards improved physical, psychological and social well-being.
What are employee responsibilities
Required when an incident or inspection identifies a new hazard, before work begins at a site, a process has changed or records indicate a trend or need
What is a hazard assessment creation or review
Using a suggestion box, speaking to a supervisor or CHSC rep or sharing during a meeting
What are ways to submit H&S concerns/feedback
Individuals who, while on WWC properties must follow Alberta Legislation along with their own worker responsibilities and Westwinds policies
What are contractors
Three items at your site that are inspected
What are eyewash stations, first aid kits, fire extinguishers emergency lighting, vehicles or equipment, or buildings/grounds
Occurrences tracked and analyzed to identify areas of improvement in WWC Health and Safety program
What are Incidents and Near Misses
A way to mitigate a hazard that an employee may interact with while performing their work tasks
What is a control
A sealed document, that may be advised by emergency personnel to activate
What is a fanout list
Training all WWC workers receive, to safely interact with chemicals at the worksite
What is WHMIS
A process following an incident where you may be involved by adding a witness statement, or briefed on following corrective actions
What is an incident investigation