This is the amount of time in which a Restraints order expires for Adults.
What is 24 hours.
If no lines are seen this test is considered.
What is invalid?
You do this when soiled, in between patient use, and at the start of the shift.
What is clean Glucometer device with Bleach wipes.
An order, H&H, #20G IV, consent, V/S, Blood tubing, T&S, and NS.
What do you need in order to start a blood transfusion?
1 line appears in the control zone means the the test is.
What is negative.
This must be performed every 2 hours when a patient is in restraints.
What is Release and Reapply, hydration, and nutrition?
The supplies required for this test should be.
What is the appropriate PPE, test provided swab, the liquid control, and the test card?
This item is used to clean Glucometer.
What is Sani Cloth with Bleach.
At the bedside 2 RNs are required to validate this.
What is bedside verification?
If 2 lines appears on this test, the test is.
What is Positive.
Documentation must be done within this time frame for non-violent restraints.
What is every 30 minutes?
The amount of time it takes to wait for the results to populate.
What is 15 minutes?
This item expires in 180 days.
What is the Glucometer Strips.
You do this at the start, 15 minutes, and at completion of administering this product
What is monitor the patient and check the vital signs?
An absent line in the control zone means.
What is the test in invalid.
Documentation must be done within this time frame for violent restraints.
What is every 15 minutes?
The test card must remain like this at all times in order to receive appropriate results.
What is remain flat?
This item expires in 90 days.
What is the Glucometer Controls?
You document the following information into the EMR (2 parts)
Complete I&O
Document blood transfusion in the EMR
Once 2 drops of urine are applied to the sample window, you must wait this amount of time before reading the results.
Your patient dies within 7 days of being in a restraint, this is considered.
What is a Sentinel Event?
Results are entered into this database in order to record in the Allscripts and transmit to DOH.
What is RALS?
To prevent contamination, you do this to the control solution prior to to performing QC.
What is discard the first drop of solution?
Check donor unit in these 3 spaces when performing bedside verification.
What is the transfusion form, blood bag, and compatibility label?
Controls are performed how often for each new lot or new box opened.
What is Daily.