What are the short term effects of vaping?
Includes coughing, shortness of breath, eye, mouth, and throat irritation, headaches, and nausea.
What is the main reason people take anabolic steroids?
To increase muscle mass; young people also may suffer from body dysmorphia, which causes them to worry about unnoticeable flaws in their own appearance.
What is marijuana made from?
The dried flowers, seeds, and leaves from the cannabis plant.
What are physical effects of PCP on a person?
It can cause numbness, dizziness, drooling, impaired speech and muscle function, sweating, nausea and vomiting.
What type of drug are shrooms?
Psychedelic or hallucinogen.
What problems can vaping cause or worsen?
Makes you more susceptible to asthma, lung scarring, organ damage, and cancer.
What are different ways to take anabolic steroids?
They can be taken in pills, injected, creams or gels, skin patches, etc.
What are ways marijuana is used?
Smoked like a cigarette (joint), vaped, "dabbing" to extract the oils from the cannabis plant, mixed into food and drinks (edibles).
What are some other names for PCP?
Ozone, super grass, rocket fuel, angel dust, etc.
How can shrooms be taken?
They can be eaten raw, cooked, or brewed in tea.
What is in the "E-liquid" inside a vape?
Nicotine, propylene glycol and glycerin in order to produce a vapor, and harmful chemicals such as carcinogens (cancer causing).
What are medical uses of anabolic steroids?
Male hypogonadism, delayed puberty in male children, osteoporosis, etc.
What are short-term effects of using marijuana?
A person's perception of reality can be changed (colors seem brighter),
What are ways PCP can be used?
It can be snorted, smoked, swallowed, and/or injected.
What is a "bad trip"?
Intense negative effects from shrooms such as intense hallucinations, anxiety, paranoia, and/or fear.
What motivates people to start vaping?
Vape marketing and advertisement, flavors to choose from, peer pressure, etc.
What are withdrawal symptoms of misusing anabolic steroids?
Depression, insomnia, anorexia, headaches, muscle and joint pain, and anxiety.
What are some medical uses of marijuana?
While not exactly used to treat something, it can relieve symptoms of chronic pain, nausea, muscle spasticity, etc.
How long does it take for effects of a drug to be felt and last?
It can take 2-5 minutes for a drug's effect to first be felt, which depends on the method it was taken. The effects can last from 6-24 hours (Sources vary).
Are shrooms addicting and/or cause severe withdrawal symptoms?
Shrooms do not typically lead to addiction, and the withdrawal symptoms are not usually severe.
What happens right after a person uses nicotine?
The person will experience some sort of "kick" as nicotine stimulates the adrenal gland to release epinephrine (adrenaline).
What are physical effects of abusing anabolic steroids?
Infertility, ED, stomach pain, severe acne, gyno development.
What are long-term effects of using marijuana?
When used by young teens, impairs the connections between neurons in the brain. Increases your risk of developing cancer, heart diseases, suffering a stroke, etc. Can also lead to schizophrenia.
What are the different forms PCP can be found in?
In its pure form, it is a white and crystalline powder; it can be added to a leafy drug (such as tobacco); it can also be a pill or mixed with some liquid.
What are the usual effects of mushrooms?
A feeling of euphoria, pupil dilation, rapid heartbeat, visual and auditory hallucinations.