Cartoon Network

This "shapely" game became the highest-selling videogame ever for a time, as it was packaged with every original GameBoy.

What is Tetris?


This Japanese animal is described as a type of "racoon-dog." In Japanese folklore, they have giant testicles and bring good fortune.

What is a Tanuki?


This block of programming, aptly named for it's swimming pool equivalent, aired shows such as "King of the Hill" and "Aqua Teen Hunger Force."

What is Adult Swim?


In this movie, a penguin leaves his boring life to follow his dreams, meeting friends such as Chicken Joe and Zeke. Totally Tubular!

What is Surf's Up?


The bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima were nicknamed this and this, respectively, denoting a human status.

What are Fat Man and Little Boy?


In Mario Kart, this friendly Koopa picks you up with a fishing rod when you drive off the track.

Who is Lakitu?


Flamingoes, famed for their brilliant pink hue, attain this pink hue by eating this, which contains pink pigments.

What are shrimp?


This show, cancelled in 2004, received an updated and mature sequel in 2017, concluding this title character's quest to slay Aku, the demon lord.

What is Samurai Jack.


In Furious 7, the crew has to pull off a heist in Dubai. This former MMA star makes an appearance as a bodyguard for an Abu Dhabi billionaire, squaring off against Letty Ortiz.

Who is Ronda Rousey?


Napoleon Bonaparte's campaign across Europe ended when he was famously defeated at this battle.

What is the Battle of Waterloo?

In Team Fortress 2, set in 1968, nine mercenaries square off against one another for control of a gravel pit. The Heavy, a square jawed beast of a man with a thick accent and gatling gun hails from this, currently dissolved, Eastern block country.

What is the U.S.S.R?


This animal, whom a Sonic the Hedgehog character is based on, has 9 penises.

What is an Echidna?


Regular Show, contrary to it's name, starred Mordecai and Rigby, animals of this and this species respectively, who encountered strange circumstances while performing mundane tasks at the Park.

What are a Blue Jay and Raccoon.


In Die Hard, Bruce Willis's John McClane faces off against the devious German Terrorist/Bank Robber Hans Gruber, played by this actor, also famous for Harry Potter.

Who is Alan Rickman?


This famous tablet, written in both Greek and Egyptian, was an instrumental key in our understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphics. 

What is the Rosetta Stone?


In the NES title "Punch-Out," Little Mac fights through a roster of comedically stereotyped boxers on his way to the title. Unfortunately for him, this real life boxer was put in the game as the final boss.

Who is Mike Tyson?


This African animal is considered one of the most dangerous land animals, and is responsible for more human deaths than lions, leopards, elephants, and crocodiles combined.

What is a Hippo?


Finn and Jake, protagonists of Adventure Time would sometimes be replaced by their female counterparts, _____ and _____ in special genderswapped episodes.

Who are Fiona and Cake?


In The Hobbit, Radogast the Brown balks at the fact that the Wargs can catch up to his sleigh stating: "These are _________, I'd like to see them try."

What are Rhosgobel Rabbits?


This Confederate General, famed for his sturdiness in battle, had his arm blown off by cannonfire, and was accidentally shot to death by his own men.

Who is StoneWall Jackson?


George R. R. Martin, creator of Game of Thrones, was contacted to help write the lore of this Japanese videogame, which became a smash hit of 2023.

What is Elden Ring?


This mythical creature, famed for it's cure-all blood, is the official national animal of Scotland.

What is a Unicorn?


In my Gym Partner's a Monkey, the main character, a human, was transferred to a school for animals due to a typographic error, confusing him with this animal based on his last name.

What is a Lion?


In "The Mystical Adventures of Billy Owens," a Canadian rip-off of Harry Potter, a young boy discovers his latent magic ability. Surprisingly, this former WWF faux-scotsman had a starring role.

Who is Rowdy Roddy Piper?


This British Monarch, known for his portly figure and his squabbles with the Church of England, had six wives in attempt to sire a male heir. Two of which he had killed. 

Who is Henry the VIII?
