Biel, Alba, Rabbit
What is Jessica?
This is the length of race which is most popular in the Olympics, with Usain Bolt holding the World Record for.
What is the 100m sprint?
Where is Australia?
This famous wrestler is known for their ability to become "invisible".
This is the name of the famous battle between 1939 and 1945, caused by the invasion of Germany into Poland.
What is World War 2?
What is Mouse?
This is the famous informal conflict between USA and USSR, which ended with Neil Armstrong landing on the Moon.
What is the Space Race?
Where is Japan?
This meme involves a picture from a scene of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" and a second photo of a feline.
What is Woman Shouting at Cat?
This is the collective name for the group of Australian and New Zealand troops.
What are the ANZACS?
Top, Trick, Cowboy
What is Hat?
This annual horse event is held in November in Victoria.
What is the Melbourne Cup?
Where is Canada?
tHiS cArToOn cHaRaCtEr iS sHoWn WiTh TeXt WrItTeN lIkE tHiS.
This is the internal American conflict which was fought over the use of slaves in America.
What is the American Civil War?
Cow, Blue, Door
What is Bell?
This is the popular racing competition which was won in 2021 by Max Verstappen.
What is the Formula One?
Where is Kenya?
This video meme involves tricking people with a link to a highly popular 80s song.
What is Rick-Rolling?
This is the longstanding conflict between USA and USSR, which has included battles in Korea and Vietnam.
What is the Cold War?
Place, Wild, Bush
What is Fire?
This competition was started by a Greek messenger who ran this distance to announce to the Greeks that they had won the battle, and then promptly collapse and die.
What is a Marathon?
Where is Djibouti?
This is the frog, usually shown with different emotions on Twitch.
Who is Pepe the Frog?
This is the long standing conflict which is depicted in the musical Hamilton.
What is the American Revolutionary War?
(American Revolution)