Huge lines, trapezoids, and geoglyphs formed by removing stones from the top layer of the Peruvian desert.
What are the Nazca Lines?
This piece of 1990 legislation protects Native American graves on federal land, requires archaeologists to consult with descendants, and requires museums to repatriate skeletal remains.
What is NAGPRA? (Native American Graves and Repatriation Act)
Patriotism on steroids: such extreme pride in one's nation that it leads to discrimination against other nations. Often perpetuated by "invented pasts."
What is nationalism?
This ancient European group may have staked and hog-tied their dead around 400 BC, just like peasants in the Balkans did, because they believed it would prevent the dead from rising again.
Who are the Celts? Bonus: Why did both groups bury sharp objects near corpses' stomachs?
At least 600 Native American burials were brutalized by looters at this Mississippian Pd. Union Co., KY site.
What is Slack Farm?
Explanation that the Great Pyramid of Khufu was built moving block through an integrated passageway that spiraled up through the interior.
What is the Internal Ramp Hypothesis?
A famous 9,000 year old skeleton from Washington state, who has been been central in a heritage and repatriation debate involving scientists, Native Americans, neopagans, and white supremacists.
Who is Kennewick Man? Bonus: What was the judge's ruling in the case of Bonnichsen vs. United States in regards to the remains?
Heinrich Himmler argued this natural rock formation was actually an ancient Germanic sun shrine for pagan worship, thus supporting his claims that the pagan Celts were Germany's true religious ancestors instead of the Christian Romans.
What is the Extersteine?
An ancient English practice revealed by clay pits lined with bird feathers, human hair, needles, bird eggs, and cat claws.
What is witchcraft? Bonus: How old are the most recent pits discussed in class?
Careful attention to this is what separates scientific archaeology from looting.
What is context? Bonus: What did context tell archaeologists about the Mayan Buenavista vase that the glyphs on the vase did not reveal?
The ancient Mayan linear count of days from to, spanning a length of about 5,125 years.
What is the Long Count? Bonus: what happens with the Long Count on December 21, 2012?
This 1921 labor dispute in West Virginia involved an armed battle between 10,000 miners and the coal company's anti-union forces, and is the 2nd largest armed civil conflict in US history.
What is the Battle of Blair Mountain? Bonus: who are multiple stakeholders in the second Battle of Blair Mountain over the preservation of the site?
This archaeological find from Wisconsin was mobilized to both falsely support 1.) Mormon claims that Native Americans are the ancient Jaredite civilization described in the BOM, and 2.) an archaeologist's claim that prehistoric Woodland Period moundbuilders and the historic Dakota Sioux are the same group.
What is the Spencer Lake Horse? Bonus: What piece of evidence in 2005 finally corroborated Mr. P's story that the skull was modern?
What is the meaning of life?
Looting often goes hand-in-hand with this illicit activity, producing tireless hordes of looters who pose a danger to law enforcement.
What is the drug trade/meth trade? Bonus: Looters who use methamphetamines are called what?
This 5,000 year old archaeological site on Salisbury Plain probably functioned as a calendar, a crematory cemetery, the realm of the ancestors/dead, and a territorial marker.
What is Stonehenge? Bonus: what was the function of nearby Durrington Walls?
These two Southwestern Native American groups have been locked in fierce debate since the 19th century over land rights, destruction of petroglyphs, and heritage claims to Puebloan history?
Who are the Navajo and the Hopi? Bonus: on what basis did the federal government award the Navajo NAGPRA affiliation to the ancient Puebloans of Chaco Canyon?
This artifact displays a herringbone weave pattern, radiocarbon dates to the Middle Ages, and has been denounced as a genuine relic by the Vatican.
What is the Shroud of Turin? Bonus: How are Jewish burial shrouds 2,000 years ago described in the Gospel of John?
A South American archaeological site on the shores of Lake Titicaca claimed by Graham Hancock to be built by Atlanteans, since "we don't know much about it."
What is Tiwanaku?
This groundbreaking piece of looting legislation enables ratified countries to ask other ratified countries to ban import of each other's smuggled goods. The US ratified this in 1983.
What is the 1970 UNESCO Convention? Bonus: Peru has asked the US to put a ban on looted artifacts from which important site discussed in class and in the Atwood chapters?
This term is used to describe radical social and environmental changes that occurred in the Classic Period around AD 800 on the Yucatan Peninsula.
What is the Maya Collapse/Classic Collapse? Bonus: What are the 3 most popular explanations for this 'collapse?'
Native American groups seeking recognition of cultural affiliation under NAGPRA must demonstrate _________ in order to claim descent from prehistoric groups, meaning 51% of the evidence suggests cultural affiliation.
What is "preponderance of evidence?" Bonus: What are the 5 categories of evidence weighed to determine cultural affiliation?
This early Bronze Age culture lived on Mt. Ararat 5,000 years ago during the purported time of the Biblical flood.
Who are the Kura-Araxes culture? Bonus: We see the development of cemeteries and different mortuary treatments arise during this time period. How do archaeologists interpret this?
The statistical term for a false positive, or falsely rejecting the true null hypothesis, and accepting the false alternative hypothesis. Ex. Null hypothesis= no human civilization lived on Mars. Alt hypothesis= a human civilization lived on Mars. You see a "face" on Mars=> reject the null, and falsely accept the alternative hypothesis (civilization on Mars)
What is a Type I logical error?
Archaeologists' most effective way to stop looting.
What is education? Bonus: Who does the Davis article suggest we archaeologists should strive to educate?