What type of data is number-based?
Who is the man credited with the theory of evolution via natural selection after he published On the Origin of Species?
Charles Darwin
What is the alteration to gene levels due to human choice, and not natural events?
Artificial Selection
What is it called when you go to where the animal lives in order to observe them?
Field Study
What is a branch of anthropology, other than biological anthropology?
Archaeology, Linguistics, Cultural Anthropology
What island chain is the location of Darwin's best evidence for natural selection?
What determines whether or not two animals are within the same species?
Production of viable offspring
What is the scientific study of non-human primate behavior? (Not primatology)
In a scientific experiment, what do you call the parts that you want to keep the same every time so that they don't interfere with your data/results?
What is the 'science-based' version of creationism that is often discussed in the debate for theories taught in class?
Intelligent Design
Who created the taxonomic system we use in the 1700s?
What is the name for the women who initiated behavioral research on Great Apes in the 1960s?
The Trimates
Name something about scientific information that is a red flag and should make you question its validity?
Author qualifications, profit, location you read it, lacks open criticism, etc.
What is the improper application of evolutionary theory to people, dividing them into different races and associating those races with different capacities for morals and intelligence?
What is the ONLY way for new traits to enter a SPECIES?
What is the type of dating that is comparative, often using words like 'older than'?
Relative Dating
Before running a scientific experiment, a statement is made about expected outcome (which may be proven correct or incorrect. What is this called?
What is one debate about the validity of evolution (past or present)?
Validity, Human inclusion, Teaching in Schools, etc.
What mechanism of evolution is unrelated to the fitness of individuals and often happens due to a catastrophic event?
Genetic Drift (Bottleneck)
What is one challenge to creating a taxonomy for human ancestors?
Missing pieces, speciation, lump/split, etc.