Three words that are clues
What are always, never, everyone?
One small problem will ruin the day.
What is All or nothing Allie?
Using a label for a person, self or situation.
How do we identify Labeling Lester?
Focusing on the bad and ignoring the good
How do we identify Filtering Freddy?
Take responsibility for what is in your control.
How do we calm down Blaming Betty?
Applies one situation to all situations
What is Overgeneralizing?
Overthinking problems
How does Allie think?
He makes us look at things or people in only a negative way
How does Labeling Lester cause us a problem?
We focus on the one negative comment and forget the positives.
How does Filtering Freddy show up?
Lady bug--stinky/ eats holes in us
What type of bug is Blaming Betty?
Saying what you don't really mean
What is exaggerating?
Overwhelmed/stressed out
Overthinking Allie causes you to feel what?
Feel mad.
How do we feel when we have Labeling Lester?
How does Filtering Freddy make us feel?
Out of control, helpless
How do you feel when Blaming Betty is flying around?
Blood sucker
What is a mosquito?
Going around in circles/not moving on
What is a dragonfly?
Scorpion--they sting
What kind of bug was Labeling Lester
Worms eat up all the good in our lives
What bugs us about Filtering Freddy?
Examine the evidence
How to capture Overgeneralizing Ollie?
How do we deal with All or nothing Allie?
Identify exact problem about the situation or the person.
How do we stop Labeling Lester?
Focus on the positive things.
How do we stop Filtering Freddy?
Blaming someone else