The time period before the Civil War
Was the movement to end the Atlantic slave trade lead by England and then followed by the United States in 1807.
End of Slave Trade
When interest in a region is more important than the interest of an entire nation.
People are allowed and have a say in their government through voting.
Popular Sovereignty
The withdraw from the Union of the Southern states.
Deal in constitution where ⅗ of slaves from the South would be counted for representation in congress.
3/5th compromise
Deal made with congress in 1820 that allowed Missouri to join the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
Missouri Compromise
Devotion or loyalty to one’s own country
The keeping of humans for manual and unpaid service.
A system of routes along which runaway slaves were helped to escape to Canada or to safe areas in the free states.
Underground Railroad
The movement of free slaves in the south
A movement that allowed California in the Union as a free state as long as the fugitive slave act passed that allowed runaway slaves to be returned to south if caught in north.
Compromise of 1850
An act that gave the states power to vote and decide if they would join as a slave or a free state.
Kansas/Nebraska Act
The way a group of people live including: food, traditions, language, clothing and education.
What was the North Called?
Having to do with large social groups
Having to do with farming on a large scale.
A person that owns a large industry
A machine used to very quickly remove the seeds from cotton. Made cotton farming quicker and more profitable.
Cotton Gin
What was the south called
The Confederacy
Describes the economic wealth created by slaves and farming in the South.
Slave Economics
A large Farm
The time between 1760-1910 where people started using machines in factories to mass produce goods and services.
Industrial Revolution
An engine that runs on steam created by burning coal and heating water to the boiling point.
Steam Engine
Did Colorado Enter as a slave or free state?
Free State